
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

#SOL24 Their Teacher is Amazing


They plan their schedules and they arrive early to get a spot because their TEACHER is AMAZING 

There is lots of catching up before they begin as most of the group has physical or family "stuff".
"My husband has been struggling since the diagnosis...."                                                                            "The cruise was incredible...."                                                                                                                          "I'm not sure when I will be back as I will have to help with he grands...."                                                                                                                                                                        
Yet, they move deftly and begin to smile as they enter the pool as the from long ago and yet familiar music begins.  Their AMAZING TEACHER along with her smiling students begin to sway as the music plays.... 
"Beautiful,"  the AMAZING TEACHER says (I think she really means it) and the group sways, scoops, and sings along, while smiling.  
They leave with a with a smile because the TEACHER is AMAZING.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

#sol24 June 18 If Only

 I took a deep breath before I headed into the office as I really do not like "working with" new-to-me doctors of any kind. 

    First of all, there are all the forms where I try to remember all the things that have ever happened to me     and all those who I would call blood relatives. It's a lot to remember! Next, there is always the long,            long wait with few, if any, magazines and distractions other than "medical television." Then, there is
    that always-awkward conversation where I try to explain that what I have had and done to my body of        the years and how I really am trying to make up for lost time exercising and caring for myself. I can            expect a sigh or at least a nod as they write down all the things wrong with my body and mind! Finally,      there are the lists of "to-dos' that I certainly will leave with as they try to 1) find any possible issues; 2)      use the services of their colleagues. I would rather clean bathrooms, even latrines than go to a new-to-      me doctor appointment!

As I arrived at the potential new-primary-care provider's office, I opened the door to a small waiting room where there was no one waiting!  I noticed, happily, that there were abundant magazines neatly arranged in racks and a TV set to the Food Channel. I was pretty sure I had made a date-time mistake as I headed to the desk and introduced myself. 

"Welcome," the intake person said cheerfully as he handed me a two sheets to fill out. "We already have all your records, so the only part you need to add is if there are any new concerns or changes in the last 6 months."

The doctor was lovely and neither sure my days on earth were limited nor was she dismissive of my aging body's needs.  She assured me that those extra pounds were certainly muscle and that my aquacise routine was working well.  I left with one recommendation that was not considered urgent and a smile from ear to ear. I headed out to get a creamy Starbuck's coffee treat......

Then, I rolled over and stretched realizing that today was the day of my appointment and this altered reality was just a lovely dream.  "If only," I thought with a smile. Sigh. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

#sol24 June 11 Should I Stay or Should I Go?

A"For Sale" sign appeared across the street and I started thinking that just maybe, this MIGHT be the time to take advantage of the HOT real estate market.  

Homes in my neighborhood are selling like "hot cakes" for prices that seem incredible.  I really do not need this whole house anymore. I'm tired of home improvement projects and water in the basement issues/ Plus, there would be no more "Come On Over" porch-parties on hot summer nights and there would be no more "Just Because" snowblower services for my little stretch of sidewalk. 

Then, as if on cue, the fruit of five summers of planting, feeding, and nurturing reluctant hydrangeas appeared like huge stacks of "hot cakes" in both my front and my back yard.  I'm guessing that the rainy winter and spring had something to do with them. It's also slightly possible that the pricey "magic hydrangea potion" I bought on impulse last summer helped. 

No matter the reason, this is their season and they seem to say that we are right where we should be right now!

Monday, June 3, 2024

#sol24 June4 An Old Timer and Newbie

A note appeared in my mailbox a few weeks ago seeking support for a neighborhood street party. To be honest, it seemed like late spring was a strange time for block parties, in the season of graduations, communions, Mothers' and Father's Days. To be honest, I live alone and have no young children; but, the note seemed to be heartfelt, sincere, and welcoming. 

My first reaction to the note, which asked you to scan a QR code for information and sign ups, was to not respond; but the note bugged me and eventually I responded through the code.  For some reason, I felt compelled to sign up to bring veggies, hummus, chips, and chicken fingers, perhaps because I would not be bringing children.

To be honest, I did not know the person who sent the note.  After some investigation, I determined the house, just 3 homes away, had changed hands under a private sale this spring.  I did  know the former, elderly homeowner had not been outside in a long, long time, but there were no outward signs of this private home sale. 

So, late on Saturday afternoon, I showed up at the street/block party with my contributions to meet lots of new neighbors and lots of older neighbors who I really did not know. We discussed common concerns such as water in the basement and insatiable rabbits. We talked about the technology and physical book challenges our library has experienced. We laughed as the youngest on our street rode scooters and threw Frisbees. We played corn-hole and giant Jenga and we talked about our neighborhood and ourselves. We made plans for a December cooperative dinner and discussed how we could encourage greater participation in the future.

After almost 7 years on my new-to-me street in my new-to me town, in my new-to me state, I am still a newbie by the old-timers and also an old-timer by the real newbies! It's a funny place to be, but it really does sum up where I am in this chapter of life!