
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#sol24 August 13 Good Samaritan


Today, I could write about the people I met during multiple flight delays or I could tell you about the amazing and powerful people one shares life experiences with when a hurricane, such as Debbie, does what hurricanes do and alters travel and vacation plans. I really want to write about the stranded woman and special needs daughter from Dallas who had spent 18 hours securing a new fight: however, I am going to write about a moment at the beach, on my long awaited and much needed vacation. 

I had already done the obligatory ocean swim where one goes from one end to the other of the designated area and had settled into an salt-water holding pattern of slow motion when they entered my visual space.  She was more spry than he was, but not by a lot.  I wondered about their trip to the Island. He must have needed a wheel-chair assist at the airport, but I was sure he did not want one. Perhaps I was projecting my own thoughts onto others,

He held onto her shoulders as they slowly, but surely, made their way onto the sandy ledge. His slow descent was marked by many stops where he readjusted his stance while focused on the goal, the water's edge.  Several times, he stopped and appeared to be rethinking the decision to enter the water; yet, his supportive partner appeared to reassure him that the trip was both possible and worthwhile, even if she was not sure of the path ahead.  

He stopped inches from the water's edge, and it was then that a younger man passed a toddler to his wife and emerged to become an entry support person. I do not know what words, if any were exchanged.  I do know that the entry went smoothly and the man was soon immersed in the warm water where his smile was evident to all.  The younger man stuck around just in case he was needed.

The older man stayed in the ocean only a few minutes, and the Good Samaritan helped with the exit through the murky sand.  Eventually, the Good Samaritan returned to his own, young family playing in the briny waves. 

I hope that some day, in the not so distant future, there is a Good Samaritan to help me when the waves and ocean drop are greater than I can manage,  

I hope, in the distant future, there is another Good Samaritan to help that young man when he needs support to feel the ocean in his bones. 

#sol24 July 30th SMART Talk


I wasn't sure I was going to post today, 
But a conversation with friends got me thinking 
About the power of words.

Overheard at the gym...
"I don't know how she keeps up, she's BIG!"
"That teacher is just awful."

Overheard on the news....
"She's a bum."
"He's weird." 

Overheard in class: 
"He's impossible!"
"She's off base."

In my opinion, all this name calling from adults is likely to result in more and more name calling among our children which would clearly undermine the movement to reduce, rather than increase bullying!

I, for one, am going to try very hard to move about this fray and try to focus on observable characteristics!   

Of course, when I think of observable traits I think of Individual Education Plan goals which really might offer us a good way to talk about issues!

Good IEP goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).

Perhaps we could start talking in SMART ways as well?

Monday, July 22, 2024

#sol24 July23 To Be Two

 She has a strong voice and lots to say,
She is not afraid to "flail" to get her way,
She talks too much, when quiet is expected,
She runs too fast, when slow is anticipated,
She swings with too much gusto,
She eats too many Goldfish,
She devours too much cheese.

She'll read the same book, too many times!
She'll play hide and seek, too many times!
She has two favorite blankets, today!
She can find her Meme in a crowd, too!
She is not afraid to speak her mind!
My love for her is too great!
The littlest of my beloved grand-kiddos is two!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

#sol24 July 21 A Slice of Love


From over the river and across the sound
Excited friends and relatives braved summer traffic,
Challenged air traffic controllers,
Set aside the trials of daily lives,
To show support and celebrate love.

After prayerful rituals and solemn promises
They arrived to explore the incredible venue,
Consume delectable morsels,
Savor cake and pastries,
Dance with determination,
To celebrate love.

Planning a celebration of love can be stressful and exhausting,
Executing that celebration can be difficult and expensive,
Arranging for travel and accommodations can be difficult,
Organizing all cousins for a photo-shoot, memorable,
Watching grandparents dance, a miracle,
The opportunity to show support and celebrate love

Congratulations K&J,
I hope your future is filled with
A Zillion More Slices of Love

Monday, July 15, 2024

#sol24 July 16th Waves of Change


"It's perfect," she said as the finished the "shell garden" at the base of the house. 

"I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as an imperfect sand castle," I smiled silently to myself.  

On the way home, I thought about that castle, created with love. With or without a protective moat, each castle is an opportunity to create a special place and a special moment in time.  Yet, it will not stay as the waves of time will leave their mark; tomorrow, a new sand castle will likely arise in about the same place as a new family leaves their mark in the sand.

As I pulled into my driveway, another wave of change was clearly evident.

I smiled as I waved to my new neighbors who had just finished unloading a U-Haul trailer into their new-to-them house. 

I suspect she, too, was thinking, "It's going to be perfect." as they stared adoringly at their new-to-them house that would soon see waves of change in order to be recreated in the days to come.


Monday, July 8, 2024

#sol24 July 9 That Pool of Sweat


I woke up sprawled on the bed in a pool of sweat. I pushed the damp hair off my face and realized it was not yet dawn; yet, the air was dreadfully hot and heavy.

"I knew I should have had the air conditioner serviced," I thought as I tried to go back to sleep.  "There is no way they are going to come for an emergency visit during this heat wave," I thought as I moaned softly,  "I had better open a window," I thought as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. "I cannot believe I was so foolish," I admonished my sweaty self. 

The air outside was even hotter and heavier and so I made my way to the basement in search of the old, 6 inch emergency fan.  It did provide a bit of relief, but I lay on the sweaty sheets alternating between being annoyed at myself for not having my mini-split system serviced and concerned about all the people who  are suffering and not sleeping during this heat wave. I'd do a major mea culpa and call the repair department first thing in the morning! 

The fan moved the air around and I was able to go back to sleep. As I made the bed a few hours later, I noticed the remote was under my book.  When I went to sleep, I must have put the book down and accidentally turned off the air!  I pressed on and the familiar hum of cool air returned. 

I submitted a non-emergency request for service, a few hours later,anyway!  

To be honest: I am blessed to have installed this new system when I did some renovations a few years ago and even on the hottest of days, my space is tolerable! There are many people who do not have access to air conditioning on these very hot, humid days. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

# Fourth of July: Drones Anyone?

1960  Rain fell most of the day offering only brief forays to the dock. The grownups kept up the presence of a good time and there were lots of sparklers!  Eventually, we pulled away leaving Yankee Lake's annual fireworks display in the rear view mirror.

1976  We walked over the bridge to celebrate the Bicentennial.  Scoring a location early, we watched the fireworks from the great steps, leaving a trail of smoke and a crowd of people at the end of the day.

1986 The promise of swimming, hiking, watermelon and birthday cake would surely allow for something for everyone.  We sang Happy Birthday to Grandma, a real firecracker before heading home, certain to see lots of fireworks on our trip!

1996 It had been a long weekend in the ICU where we watched our love one fight for life.  Yet, we shared Hershey's fireworks through the hallway window with others, in the same boat. 

2024 I listened to fireworks all day long; yet, I wandered out to watch a magnificent display by my neighbors before going in to watch the Macy's display. 

The reports of injuries and deaths as well as the haze, the next morning, were clear reminders that this long standing tradition needs to give away to 21st Century technology that can provide a magnificent show, safely and without impacting lives and the environment!

I't hard to think of Fourth of July without a light show; to that end, I am planning on gifting my loved ones drones so that they might be part of the next revolution!

Monday, July 1, 2024

#sol24 July 2 A Beach Story


"What did you ask me to bring," I asked her, confident she would remember the request.

"Paper," she responded, lunging for my bag that really did contain a couple of notebooks filled with blank pages waiting to become something! 

In minutes, the first page was filled with the "story" of a vacation at very blue beach filled with abundant waves, colorful sailboats, and dancing dolphins hurling through the waves while happy vacationers settled into their beach chairs on the sandy shore.  

As she worked on the details of her second dancing dolphin, the modern-day artist asked me "Google" how a one should  look. After studying the image, she refined her craft on successive waves of pages.  In time, the tides ebbed and flowed across the island's counter top.  

This observer soaked up the real-life moment rather than taking a picture.  Therefore, you, the reader, will have to imagine the picture!   

This young artist is totally confident of her ability to tell her story.  This young artist, poised to begin her public education career, has not yet studied van Gogh; however, I thought of his words as my feet nestled in her sand and I soaked up her ocean breezes: 

                                      There is nothing so delightful as drawing