
Monday, January 27, 2025

#sol25 January 28 Look-Alike


I realize journaling and blogging are "old school."
Yet, I really want to thank the TWT group for encouraging
Writing down in order to remember.

I found fresh basil at Trader Joe's, bootleg jeans at TJ Maxx, and a cheerful pillow at Home Goods. I was feeling pretty happy when I realized I was thirsty.  So, I pulled into a nearby Dunkin Donuts and ordered a hot tea!

"Don't worry," he said stumbling on the words, "this one is on me."  

To be honest, no one has ever bought me a "drink" of any kind ever, so this one caught me off guard.  "Uhhh...thank you very much," I muttered, adding more than the cost of a cup into the tip jar.

"Ummm..." he stammered with tears welling in his eyes, "you look much like my mother.

I wondered if I should engage in a conversation with a young man who with tears in his eyes that might not be easy in the empty late afternoon store.  Something in his quivering voice made me stay.  

"Your mom certainly raised a kind son," I offered with a smile. 

"She's gone now," he offered, "lost in bombing.  I miss her."

"I'm sorry," I offered sincerely, taking a deep breath to regain my composure.

"I come here, but she stayed with my brothers. The bombings in Kharkiv were brutal and they are all gone with all the apartments and schools. Like that" he snapped his fingers, "all gone."

"Your mom would be so proud of you and all you have accomplished," I offered sincerely noticing his Asst Manager badge and thinking he had worked hard to earn it. "I am pretty sure you are working hard and making a difference in the lives of others every day." I added. "I am so glad I stopped here todayYou are going to do continue to do amazing things and continue to make her proud."

A part of me wanted to give him a hug, but I settled on a heartfelt handshake across the counter and a wave as I left.

I had tears in my eyes when I got to my car thinking about his experience and how it mirrored those of so many immigrants to our country who give up so much for a chance at something better. As I drove home, I did find myself wondering about his immigration status.

I am still not sure how or why our paths crossed, but he left an imprint on my heart.  

Monday, January 20, 2025

#sol25 January 21 Only Magic in the Snow


I spent the evening Watching mindless Netflix and the dreading the steady snowfall; however, as I headed to bed, I noticed the ice encrusted trees and the snow coated roads waiting patiently for the snowblowers. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I crawled into bed knowing what the morning light would mean. 

I woke to the sound of plows and blowing snow along with a desire to stay in bed and avoid the inevitable shoveling. Several chapters and a few cups of coffee later, I finally layered up and headed into the frozen tundra where I pushed and prodded the snow off the driveway for a very, very long time. 

I was cold and there was snow in my boots, gloves and a few other places as well when I finally finished. I was so exhausted I could hardly heave myself into the shower to warm up!  

Then, my perspective took a 180 degree turn when I got a text about a marvelous igloo lovingly created from that same ice and snow. I suspect shovels, similar to mine, and energy, perhaps more than I expended on my driveway, were used to create this masterpiece. At first glance, it might look like a hole in the snow, but that ice and snow melded together with a bit of elbow grease into something memorable and wonderful, much like the igloos created by parents and grandparents when they too saw only magic in the snow. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

#sol25 January 14 OLW25

To be honest, I feel selfish and even smug posting about a OWL
while this great disaster is still unfolding in California.  
My thoughts and prayers are with those whose lives have been turned upside down. 

On a frigid day at the end of the year, I was leaving a magnificent office building when my OLW first appeared. I am not a fan of the doctor appointments that accompany growing older, but I appreciate having world class medical care close to home in a magnificent building that looks as if it belongs in NYC! I really do appreciate the closeness that lets me get to the pool before my appointment and home in minutes, instead of spending the day on the train and subways.

I appreciate this chapter of life filled with eager-to-change-the-world grad students, grateful-to-be-in-the-pool friends, and not-too-far-away grands. Those grads force me to read and reflect on the challenges of languages and cultures. My friends hold me accountable to attend classes, even those at 6:45 AM. They share the joys and challenges of getting older and encourage me to attend luncheons and concerts that I would never notice on my own. The opportunity to watch my grands grow and explore their ever-changing interests is a blessing that I never take for granted. 

I appreciate my children who share snippets of their successes and challenges allowing me to live, again, through their experiences. I appreciate those nieces and nephews who still reach out to share their experiences and concerts allowing me to maintain connections with my "old" life. 

Sure, at times I wish there were more trips and I would still like that house at the beach, but I appreciate the opportunity be semi-retired, semi-busy, and semi-loved. I appreciate the opportunity to "grow older" that so many are not afforded. My goal is to look beyond the day to day challenges, aches and pains and with respect to all those who have lost so much, I hope to try to appreciate someone and or something in each and every day.

appreciate: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of: to value or admire; to judge; to recognize with gratitude; to increase in number or value

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

#sol25 January 7 ENDings


While I am thinking about the "new" year, 
I am still focused on the ending of 2024.

She was the first
To sleep in the cradle
Crafted for her.
She was the first
To read, graduate, marry,
Becoming a Mom
Defined her.

She was the first
To leave this chapter
With so much still to do.
With a partner and children
Who needed her.
With clients and closings

She is a reminder
To savor each sunrise,
To treasure each sunset,
To broker truces,
To make peace, amidst
The drama and demands
Of this life.