
Monday, June 10, 2019

#sol2019 Help Me Help My Gardens

Long ago, someone who lived here, loved her gardens. I'm sure she gingerly planned, planted, pruned, weeded, watered, and watched her little gardens grow with pride. I can only imagine the $$$ she spent on her gardens and their upkeep.

Then, she moved away and other families moved in who were busy with commutes, work, children, chores, and life. For a long time, the lovely little gardens "maintained" themselves, sort of, with hardy bushes and persistent perennials filling the space and fighting for the right to some sunlight. The once lovely plantings became overgrown and many of them did not survive the overcrowding and canopying of the trees.

Then, I moved in and after a looking at the sad gardens and the string of dead cherry trees, I called in professionals to help me help my gardens! They arrived in a fleet of orange trucks and thanks to a bevy of people lifters, chain saws, power trimmers, like spider-men and a gigantic grinder, my yard was transformed into a brighter, lighter place where plants and flowers have the potential to grow.

So, with the overgrowth gone, the tangle of weeds and the years of hidden leaves and undergrowth appeared showing me the gigantic task ahead; so, before they were done, I ordered a pair of heavy-duty work gloves that would be here in hours!

In the days to come, you know where you will find me whenever spare time comes my way. I have this sort of love/hate relationship with that someone, long ago, who loved her gardens. 

1 comment:

Ramona said...

A love/hate relationship with that someone . . . and with those heavy-duty gloves, you'll be rediscovering the beauty that once was. We'll want pictures!