
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

#sol20 WITH Others

While I was trying to envision how to make this emotionally laden holiday the best it could be, a daughter, not too far away was already driving more than an hour in order to drop off a card and note telling her Mother how much she was loved.  In an effort to keep her parents safe, she left the note before they awoke and drove silently, more than an hour, back to her home. I think this is what love is all about. I'm inspired by this story.

While I was walking my quiet neighborhood streets, a daughter was having a virtual tea party, on fine china, with her mother and her preschool boys.  Real tea, real talk, real love, I suspect were part of that interaction that merged spaces and Facetime.  I'm grateful for technology.

While I was picking up sticks in the yard, a neighbor sat on her stoop while her daughter sat 10 feet away.  They laughed, talked, laughed and talked some more as the sun basked them in a reminder of the promise of family and love to conquer all.  I appreciate the image that love empowers problem solving,

While I reflected, I remembered those who had recently lost Mothers, children, or others without even the comfort of family and friends.  I remembered the pain of want and loss this holiday brings for all those wanted motherhood and all those mourning, forever, the loss of children and mothers. Social media helps some and reaching out, virtually, helps others. I am sure this year's "quarantine" and social isolation has added to the underlying stress and anxiety.  

While I am trying to keep me, my friends, and my loved ones safe, I pray WE will be remembering and supporting and comforting and empowering and celebrating WITH others next year!


Fran said...

I picture each of your vignettes, and especially love how you began with that early morning car drive- I can so picture that quiet scene. I think it adds to your piece that you do not identify any of the mothers or daughters in your stories. It makes them all the more universal. And of course it is so sad, but necessary, to remember those losing loved ones without being able to walk that journey alongside them. I also hope that next year more of us can celebrate Mother's Day in person wth loved ones. But what we are figuring out to do now is worth recognizing and celebrating, as you do so well in your piece.

Margaret Simon said...

I have never been big on this Hallmark created holidays, but I found myself weeping over every picture on social media. Things just aren't normal and cannot be normal. Acceptance of this comes easily one day and harder the next. I loved the stories of dedicated daughters.