
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

SOL 23 I Have Flowers!

In my old life, I had an enormous hydrangea that bloomed with proficiency and energy all summer long underneath the dryer vent in a location where few ventured!  I really don't think it saw much pruning and I am sure it never saw a watering can come near.  In fact, the only time I went near was to pluck those ever present and abundant blooms. One time, I provided about 75 magnificent purple-blue blooms for a wedding

When I moved into my just for me house at the end of one summer a few years ago, I noticed there were a few hydrangea bushes in this backyard garden.  I looked forward to their blooms brightening my table the next summer.

That first summer, there may have been a few buds consumed by deer, but there were certainly nothing close to a flower. 

The next couple of years, with time on my hands and energy to spare, I pruned and shaped and fertilized those flowers determined to make them bloom. I planted lavender and garlic. There was nothing close to a flower.

I decided to approach my "flowers" as if they were a research project last fall and began to scour the internet and read every book the library had to offer.  I found MANY contradictory ideas and suggestions.  I really had to take some ideas and let others lie.  

Here is what I did, but I cannot promise it will work for you!

I learned you should prune VERY carefully and if you must, only prune a little and then only in the spring.  Just let those ugly branches be! ( Just like I had done to the magnificent hydrangea underneath my dryer!)

I learned that the fertilizer I was using was the wrong one. Instead, use a slow release fertilizer high in phosphate after they are budding in July.  Or use nothing !  (oops)

I also learned NOT to overwater!  In fact, only add a bit of water if they are dropping for a couple of days! (double oops)

I also learned that sometimes, human hair can serve as a deer repellant and so I asked my local salon for a bag of hair! and spread it all around.  (double weird)

This year, I have flowers. 



Tbreit said...

I love the idea of a "just for me" house and that you have flowers now! This year something is in the air...our garden is growing like gangbusters!

Terje said...

I am impressed with your green finger experimentation. My gardening life is limited to permission to buy certain plants in spring, but my sis and mom are the ones taking care of them.