
Monday, September 2, 2024

#sol24 September 3 Wherever You Find Yourself


Schools have opened, pools have closed and the air has a certain chill; therefore, no matter what the calendar says, "summer" is over, and we must abandon slip-on sandals and lazy afternoons. In these waning days of summer, life moves slowly for most people, even though the days go way too fast for teachers and students! 

For some, the summer slow down has reached the ultimate in slow-motion events, The Annual End of Summer Tractor Parade! There really is something special about this parade that my cousin and #1 reader told me about even though this slow moving event could  make local kids excited about school!
                                                                    (Montgomery, NY)

For many of us (teachers and students probably fit in here), the summer slow down has led to abandoning damp swim suits for Scrabble. Life, or Jenga blocks!  We hit the stores for backpacks and shies and now find ourselves teetering on the edge of excitement and trepidation! Fall is like that! 

For some. today is just a new day or working and transitioning to sweater and jeans.

All of these are good options,

Wherever you find yourself today, I wish you a fall season that "falls in a good way for you."


Stacey Shubitz said...

Your blog post beautifully captures the bittersweet transition from summer to fall, evoking a sense of nostalgia for the carefree days of slip-on sandals and lazy afternoons. Your reflections on the shift from summer activities to fall preparations resonate with the mixed emotions I feel during this time. May your autumn season be filled with warmth and joy, as you embrace the changes and new beginnings it brings.

Ramona said...
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Ramona said...

What a delightful and poignant slice! It wasn't until I became an educator that I found it hard to leave the carefree days of summer behind. But with the initial reluctance came an excitement about a new year with new students. And the cycle started all over again.

Anonymous said...

It always takes me till August to finally slow down, only to be faced with summer’s end. I thought after retiring that would change, however it hasn’t. Wishing everyone an exciting year filled with exploration and discovery.