
Friday, February 28, 2025

SOL25 March 1 What Lies Ahead?


I was going to write an introductory slice, but then life happened,
So you will have to infer something about me, for today.

Like lemmings pulled to a familiar green sign off the highway, the train of aging Priuses and well worn mini-vans made their way in the days after the announcement. 
If they were lucky enough to score a wagon, they filled the belly with paint, paper, crafts, thread and the remaining Singer machines.  They pulled patterns from the bins without worry about the price or sizes and loaded skeins of yarn in all colors as if their lives depended on it.  They waited in line fingering reams of fabric.

Throughout the store, people talked softly, respectfully, as one might at a serious event such as a wake. Even when the check out system crashed, there were no complaints, only subdued resignation. It was as if people were returning "home" one last time and shopping as if after a generation of supporting home sewers and crafters, the "mother-ship" was soon closing its doors for good.
I know we will be able to "get stuff" online; however, I am not sure how those of us who love the feel of fabric and yarn will "get our fix." 

Yet, my sadness was amplified 100 fold as I waited in the long check out line and read about the forceful end of diplomacy.  I was consumed with fear as threats and punishments break relationships but do not change behaviors.  I was filled with images of bullying and the damage it does on every level of society. A few tears fell down my cheeks because I am very worried about what lies ahead. 


Anonymous said...

You capture your experience at JoAnns so well. I felt like I was right there with you. Your choice of words makes this slice so strong. Then as you work toward the end, you created a darker tone. A sad slice that left this non-sewer sad, too.

Anonymous said...

I’ve read a few first posts this morning- the have not been what people intended. Yours took a sad turn. Some of those same feelings have almost kept me from writing. But it helps to know there are others struggling with the same feelings. We have each other. I too am sad about Joann’s. My girls love that place! ❤️Jessica

Lisa Vahey said...

It's so true - the sadness we're feeling about losing brick & mortar places we love (Third Spaces) is multiplied when we see the bullying and hate from our leaders. I'm so glad you connected the dots for us, and I hope through our writing this month, we all gain power and energy to use our words for good. Thank you for this moment that is both small and big.

Anonymous said...

My wife is sad about JoAnn stores closing. We have 4 all within an hour's drive. As a quilter, she visits them quite often. As for what's happening in our country, it just makes me sad. arjeha

Anonymous said...

Reading your comments on endings are bittersweet. The sadness of my mother’s passing last week leaves me with beautiful memories, realizing that she is one of the lucky ones not to have to witness the deterioration of our leaders😘

Glenda Funk said...

I too am saddened about the closing of JoAnn’s fabric. Like you, I need to feel. I don’t sew these days but did recently purchase fabric to recover dining chairs. I wish the news were about Hobby Lobby. Ugh. Our JCP is also closing. These closings feel symbolic in ways past closures did not.

Kim Johnson said...

I am so sad about the closings. We do have a couple of other craft and fabric stores nearby, but they are not my first choice for shopping. I know that you are feeling the loss of your store. I enjoy rag quilting, and this loss hurts all over.

Anonymous said...

Anita, I recall playing in fabric stores when I was a child, very possibly one of which was JoAnn's, while my mother shopped. I grieve the loss alongside you, as well as the continuing rifts in our country and our world. We need mending - not rending.

Fran Haley said...

-the comment above is from me:)

Denise Krebs said...

Anita, I was sorry to hear about Joann's closing, and like you, even sadder to see the great trouble our country is making in the world. A once upon a time ally that is now becoming an enemy. It is so embarrassing and heartbreaking. Your post is bringing the melancholy.

Anonymous said...

Our world is changing so rapidly. Icons are falling down, right before our eyes. I had hoped that what I had seen and heard from the other side of the world was somehow skewed and misrepresented, as only the media can. From your words, I guess not. Kim