
Friday, March 7, 2025

SOL25 March 7 A Million Dollars

"If you won a million dollars, what would you do?" he asked as we shuffled the deck.

"I'm not sure," I responded sincerely. "I think I would give some to people who are hurting and hungry and then take my grandchildren on a big vacation."

He smiled acknowledging that in this hypothetical situation he would be the lucky recipient of that trip and then responded, "I would buy all the video games, and an Amphicar that could go over the water and on the road, and a mansion with a swimming pool and video room.  I would also go on that big trip with you if you win," he grinned as he leaned in for an indirect hug the way little boys who are becoming bigger boys sometimes do.

I'm sure I would give a million dollars to keep him safe from harm as he traverses that stormy road from little boy to kind adult. 


Anonymous said...

A very sweet moment to save! Wishing for a good journey from boy to man.

aggiekesler said...

Love this captured conversation! Haven't we all had one like this before. :)

Kim Johnson said... many things come to mind with a million dollars, and what a sweet little conversation shared today. I would buy a greenhouse and fill it with plants so I could stop having to move them all inside when it freezes. And another dog.

Anonymous said...

I love your slice on a conversation you had with your child! It is so interesting what kids will say they can do with a million dollars.