
Thursday, March 6, 2025

sol25 March6 10 Minutes

Many fellow slices are sharing 20 minute sections of their day.  
I'm sharing just 10 minutes!

The wind was raging even though the rain had not yet started, as I landed in the parking lot with just 20 minutes before my appointment.  My fridge was a barren wasteland after a pre-garbage day purge. While I planned to abstain from meat that day, there were no eggs, no cottage cheese, and not even any peanut butter as sources of protein to be found in my house!

One of those mini-carts designed for those of us who live alone scooted across the parking lot towards me and I grabbed it before it caused physical damage to my car.

I grabbed a box of greens, on sale, and a couple of oranges, on sale. I snagged a box of tea and a bag of coffee, on sale, along with some oatmeal. I debated the extra cost of cottage cheese with pineapple, and decided on plain, on sale. I grabbed a bag of baked Lays in spite of the cost, and splurged on a can of on sale crab claws from Canada before heading to the self-check out line.

As I loaded my goods, I realized that in just 10 minutes, I had:

  • saved my car from cart-inflicted-damage
  • filled an almost entirely healthy cart
  • prepared for Lent
  • reflected on the economic challenge of grocery shopping today
  • splurged on crab claws for the last time, for at least a while
  • worried about how those with families, like my children, are coping
  • spent a lot of money!

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