
Friday, December 6, 2013

Graphic Novels in a Common Core World

During parent teacher conferences, I was questioned about reading graphic novels during independent reading.  Interestingly, the parent referred indirectly to the CCSS as he asked for "harder" book with more "meat" in them.  We had a good conversation about the "rigor" demanded by the Common Core, about the staircase of text complexity, the need to balance rigor, the power of interest, and the value of accessible (just right) books.  The parent agreed Baby Mouse was an OK read for now.

I was left thinking about the conversation and with a quick search came up this post from Reading with Picture Books, a non-profit group that supports  graphic novels.  They actually created a list of graphic texts matched with Common Core Standards! 
It's important to note that comics and graphic novels are specifically addressed in the Standards for grades 5-12.  They are by design complex texts with multiple levels of meaning.

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