
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

#sol21 March 30 Spring Break


This month, I am noticing and reflecting,
Writing daily as part of the Two Writing Teachers' Challenge

Spring Break Reflections: Through the Years

Spring Break circa 1961 Windows were open and the sounds of neighborhood kids waffled into to the bedroom where I was holed up with itchy, scratchy, chicken pox. 

Spring Break circa 1970 Protests and passionate discussions along with gunfire in Ohio closed college campuses as I yearned to be on a college campus. 

Spring Break circa 1985 Spring Break was cancelled due to the debacle of cleaning up asbestos during the Winter Break!  

Spring Break circa 1990 My children were back at school, so I cleaned, raked, and (shh,...relaxed) as they had been off the earlier. I was exhausted, though, after trying to manage their different break! 

Spring Break circa 1999  "Baseball every single day of this vacation?" I asked in disbelief of the schedule in front of me. 

Spring Break circa 2006 We hiked for hours through the still soggy woods in incredible spring sunshine that filled our hearts and souls with hope and light in spite of sadness.  At the top of the mountain, we saw sat in awe of nature.

Spring Break circa 2010 Spring break was cancelled because of too many snow days.  Those who were lucky enough to have nonrefundable tickets went away, the rest of us were stuck in school. 

Spring Break circa 2012 We made cupcakes and had tea parties with tiny china tea cups. Then we did arts and crafts til' we crashed, the girls and I both! We never left the house. 

Spring Break circa 2020 We never left home as the fear of the rapidly spreading virus consumed our thoughts and movements.

Spring Break circa 2021 Older and wiser, I reflect that this is not a big get away week for me and I realize it is really only students and teachers who get a Spring Break.  Thus, I feel a bit guilty complaining that totally online classes do not take a break!  Sigh, but shhh..I am....


Unknown said...

I love this reflection!! I have such a terrible memory that I think I would only be able to recall a couple past spring breaks. I have to remember this format; maybe for summers which I think I can remember more clearly! :)

Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski said...

Love this walk down Spring Break memory lane!

Clare Landrigan said...

Wow - amazing to read how many of your spring breaks were interrupted. I think last year was the first time I can remember anything going wrong with a spring break. I will have to think more about it. Also ... you won an award with me. I emailed you. I will need to get some information to get you the books/swag for Book Love Summer Book Club. I am assuming you with join the MS/HS club -- here the link for more info about it: If you didn't get my email - please email me at Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The Spring Break anticipation and excitement is comparable to New Year's Eve. It feels like everyone is probably having more fun than you, but really there are more people not having the ultimate Spring Break experience than ones that are. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Now, I don't feel so alone with my current Spring Break experience.

Mschiubooka said...

You have a great memory to capture past Spring Breaks. So many interruptions even before the pandemic. I see it as an appetizer to the main course. Sometimes you get one and other times not. Glad you are finding ways to take breaks.

Glenda Funk said...

You are so deserving of a real, Hollywood memory type, spring break. The ironic tone reinforced in the simple phrase “spring break” resonates. It’s perfect. Even in retirement I want a real spring break. And aren’t spring sports brutal! That baseball reference leaves me shuddering in the rain as I watch soccer!