
Sunday, April 12, 2015

#digipoetry Weekends

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Some weekends 
Are filled with
Preparing, catching up
Endless housework, 
Piles of laundry,
Heaps of homework, 
Stacks of report cards
Mounds of dishes,
Wagons of weeds.
Busy, fulfilling,
Looking ahead,

Other weekends
Are filled with
Celebrations, guests, 
Shopping, family
Bike-riding, hiking,
Baseball, lacrosse.
Travel, dreams,,
Filling hearts, souls
Prayerfully, gratefully. 

Some weekends
Are lost
To care giving,
Illness, sadness,
Temperature taking,
Tough love giving,
Sleep deprivation,
Quiet desperation
Sitting, waiting,
Clock watching,
With a side of knitting,
A wee bit of reading,
A spot of writing,
Prayerfully, hopefully.
Grateful for
Three kinds of weekends.

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Anita, I love the way you've captured these three different kinds of weekends in your poems. Your first one filled with piles, heaps, stacks, mounds, and wagons made me smile. I've also experienced the care giving weekends and understand the clock watching and waiting that occurs at these times. Blessings and hugs!