
Saturday, October 11, 2014

#celebratelu2014 Powerful Twitter signs

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I was trying to figure out what to "celebrate" this Saturday.
My mother has not been doing well
A dear friend is awaiting major surgery
A friend's life changing accident
Gloomy rainy weather
I have lots to do
a late Friday post observation on which to "reflect"
Papers to grade
Pinecones calling
Nordstrom returns awaiting
.My house is a mess
The .the laundry as well as the dust bunnies are reproducing.
The fall weather means I need to find shoes without holes
Then this image popped up on Twitter 
And I stopped and smiled and reflected.

I do want to celebrate!
I am very grateful for Twitter 
And the reminders of life, love, and hope 
It provides, everyday.
I am grateful that my mother is a little better 
In this morning's light.  
I'm grateful for a pop-in observation 
On Friday afternoon, long weekend pending
(the kids put on quite a show).
I am grateful that I know crafting, creating, sewing, sharing,
and dreaming are more important than cleaning.
I am grateful for the energy to do what I can,
The faith to let go when I can do nothing,
The wisdom to know whether to intervene,
To wait, or to pray.  


Michele Knott said...

It's so easy to get swallowed up in life. Sometimes we need to take a break and sometimes we just need to write about it. Glad you got a small but important reminder!

Linda B said...
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Linda B said...

Sorry, too many 'funny' errors! I love your twitter reminder, Anita, but also love the part you wrote earlier, a true poem of our lives, & we do keep on, finding the little parts that make it worth it. Have a lovely Sunday!

Julieanne said...

Love that twitter comment. So important for us all. Thank you!

Ramona said...

"The fall weather means I need to find shoes without holes." The fall weather had me scrambling in my closet for shoes to wear with socks. I'm a wimp when the weather gets cooler! Love your last paragraph!

Terje said...

Sometimes it takes a little reminder to shift our perspective, sometimes a bit more light and warmth, and sometimes conscious effort. But the sift is needed to move on from the gray spot in a day or week. I like the twitter comment.