
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

#sol20 Day 4 Long Time No Pedi?

In retrospect, if the shop had not been so crowded that holiday weekend, he might have noticed how nervous I was. "What to you want," he asked?

I read the signs and considered, French, Gel, Spa, Super Spa,...."I guess a regular will be fine."

"What color?" he asked pointing to a wall of tiny bottles.

"Um," I started, "perhaps a French would be best," I said slowly because deciding on a color would have been a formidable task!

"Come,"he said as he motioned to the chair. He helped me into the chair then had to show me how to turn on the massage feature as he turned on the water and settled into his seat.  

For a minute or two, I soaked and he prepped for the undertaking ahead. Pulling one foot out to begin, he studied the appendage and asked with concern, "Long time, no pedi?"

I smiled, wondering if I should tell him it was my first time? Certainly, I had cut, filed and painted my own nails many times in my 60 or so trips around the sun. Certainly, I had soaked my feet in the tub a few times although it was not a regular activity. Certainly, I had used a pumice stone on my heels while taking a shower more than a few times. Yet, after years of students, coworkers and others sporting professionally groomed toe and fingernails, I had finally decided to find out what all the hype was about! 

"Long time," I smiled and I think we both knew the truth.

"I'll make them good," he smiled. "You come to right place."

I'm participating in the SOL March Writing Challenge.
Several people have been sharing memory slices
 and this one is one of my favorite memories.


mrsstrasser said...

Did you love it? Will you go back?

Ramona said...

I've had such a mix of experiences with pedis that I approach them with a bit of trepidation. This one must have lived up to your expectations. Glad he was willing to "make them good."