
Friday, March 6, 2020

#SOL20 March 6 They Left the Back Flow Potty!

My home life became challenging after a demolition crew arrived to take out my kitchen and bathroom.  In retrospect, demolition day was the easiest part of the journey towards a tub and sinks that drained.

After the dumpster left and the dust settled, the breadth and scope of the project ahead started to become real. There were old walls and holes in floors where once there had been a peeling tub and an avocado green kitchen (think 60's).

I knew this before I started, but the reality kicked in quickly: there was no running water inside my house, except the washing machine and...

A "back flow" potty in the basement.

You may have one if you have a really old house.  Way back in the early days of sewer systems, they were "required" as a way to contain the inevitable back ups that occurred. In the days before basements were typically finished, it was deemed easier to clean a basement floor.  In the early days of sewers, there were regular, messy back ups!  The interesting thing about these potties is that there  are no walls for privacy and no sinks for hand washing.  It's just a toilet sitting in the open!

In the days, weeks ahead, I was grateful for that back flow potty and I found ways to wash hands and brush teeth!

  • One night, I was outside washing my face with the hose and something ran over my feet.  I screamed!
  • One day, I was brushing my teeth when the mail delivery person arrived!
  • One morning, I was brushing my teeth when my neighbor was headed out to walk his dog. I waved, my mouth full of paste and my bed head in full view.
  • One day, I arrived at the gym as it opened and the clerk commented about my early arrival.  I was honest about my renovation. The next day, she smiled from ear to ear as she asked if I came to shower or to work out!
  • I bought a gallon of hand sanitizer as they days grew colder; I used every bit!

I'm participating in the SOL March Writing Challenge.
This really is a slice of my recent life!

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