
Sunday, March 24, 2019

#sol19 March 24: Coping with lists

I had been working for hours and was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the magnitude of the tasks at hand and the timeline ahead, so i employed an old familiar coping mechanism and made a list!

I make lists to remember groceries and to make sure "jobs" are not lost in the business of living. Often, just making a list seems to make the tasks ahead manageable! Crossing items off lists give me a feeling of accomplishment.

This week's list includes 2 grad classes, one full day PD, 3 online classes, and Income Taxes. Looking at my list in print makes it seem doable specially when I realized that I had all of it partially done!

I sighed as I finished the list wishing only that ALL the stresses and hardships in life could be made manageable with lists!


cflathers said...

I love making lists. Helps to keep me on task.

Heidi said...

I love lists too. I take everything that has been rambling in my head, put it on paper, and 5hen free up thinking space.

Terje said...

Lists are manageable. Crossing things off is so satisfying.

Anonymous said...

I live off of my lists! Sometimes I think my list has a list! Glad it helped you :)

Bonnie K said...

Lists... I used to make them when I taught full time... and before we had cell phones... now everything I think and need... right there and on all by mobile equipment...
But that list of yours... wow it's massive

Trina said...

I make a lot of lists too. I find that the act of writing lists helps me remember tasks better too.

Good luck getting what you need to get accomplished!