
Friday, March 29, 2019

#sol19 March 29 Changes

I used to drive the road nearly every day, before and after stopping to care for my elderly parents and aunt; however, I haven't been there in a while. So, as I headed to a Professional Development gig, a sense of deja-vu collided with a gratefulness that my mom, for one, was not around to see the changes. 
Her bank, with it's drive through tellers-she-knew-by-name had been replaced with a big, shiny new bank across the way. I could almost hear my mom's admonition, "They could offer a whole lot more interest if they didn't build that new bank!"

They took down Murphy's, too. My mom went there to eat (and drink a pint or two) a few times because it was just down the road and it offered "Irish" fare. She would have had something to say about replacing it with condos. "The last thing we need is more condos," she would have said even though she was living in a condo. "Too many cars and too much traffic already," she would have continued.
"Ch-ch-ch-changes, turn and face the strange," I thought to myself.


Diane Anderson said...

I would agree with your mom about the bank. One change I have noticed is that my elementary school (where I attended in the late 50s into the 60s) was added on to and remodeled into apartments for seniors. I thought, hmmm...I could end up where I started.

Fran said...

You share an experience of traveling a familiar route after a loss- something we can all relate to. I find your piece full of love and quiet humor as you remember your mother and imagine what she would say. I especially like the not needing any more condos, even though she had a condo :)