
Saturday, March 9, 2024

SOL24 Marc 9 Aqua High School


I've been out of the pool for the last week as my eye has been healing from surgery.  I miss my friends and the exercise,  But, today, I saw an ardent aquacise enthusiast. 

"I have to tell you this story," she said smiling with an urgency I had never seen before. "SO, I was at aquacise and this newer person to the class was in my usual space," she began, "and so I moved to a spot behind her.  Then one of the regulars came in and told her she was in their spot. Moments later, they were splashing and attacking each other with pool noodles. It was a splash fest for sure. I decided to be the adult and moved between them stopping their fight and getting my hair wet. What a day!

"I muss aquacise so much," I smiled. 

As we  went our separate ways, we simultaneously responded, "It's like high school all over again!"


Paul Fornale said...

Fun reading. I have a background in aquatics, having swum competitively in my youth and working out regularly during summer months. I love being in the water.

Britt Decker said...

LOL, I love when the chisme piles up in one's absence 😜 Here's to your healing, too!