
Sunday, March 3, 2024

#sol24 March 3 When You Get the Shivers

Day 3 of the Annual Two Writing Teacher SOL Challenge

I am not proud of this, but I spent much too much time in the sun as a life guard back when I was young, and I never wore sunglasses! I slathered myself in baby oil and sat in the sun. Ugh. 

To be honest, I never even had prescription sun glasses until a few year ago!  

Therefore, I had my first cataract surgery the other day.  
PSA - wear sunglasses!

Fortunately, medicine has come along way integrating laser technology into this world! Thanks to those of us who are aging baby boomers, business is literally booming!  At the "Eye Surgery Center" near me, they literally line you up and roll you through the production line of reappointed old factory! 

Yet, the angst of any surgery is real even if you are facing a 2 minute procedure and I got the "shivers" and "shakes" as I awaited my turn in the laser!.  A kind nurse noticed and emerged with a most welcome heated blanket.  My body and mind relaxed almost instantly. As I awaited my turn and a "new" lease on life, I began to reflect on my last heated blanket. 

While memories of childbirth have pretty much faded over the years, I do remember the warmth of that heated blanket that quieted not only shivering, but also my heart beating outside my chest.



Erika said...

That warm blanket sounds so comforting. What a kind nurse to notice your shivers and find you comfort.

cindaroo42 said...

A heated blanket seems to be your angel when you're in high stress! It's like a hug to help you pause. I hope the eye surgery was less stressful than child birth- especially the aftermath. I remember that shaking when I had both of my babies, but no one gave me a heated blanket!! Maybe you should look into purchasing a heated blanket or weighted blanket for home!

Melanie Meehan said...

OMG- YES, to heated blankets!! I wonder if Amazon sells a blanket-heating machine.

You've inspired me to be better about wearing my sunglasses. Thank you.

mbhmaine said...

I also get the shivers when I'm nervous and during a recent procedure, a kind nurse did the same for me. The fear didn't go away, but the comfort from the heated blanket was tangible. I hope your cataract surgery went well and that the world is looking brighter :)

Dr. Kimberly Haynes Johnson said...

As I read this, I'm sitting on my electric throw blanket. All winter, it stays in my chair, and you are one hundred percent right - - it is calming, comforting, and de-stressing. I love it first thing in the morning when it is still cold, and in the evenings when I come to the living room with a cup of tea and read. High five to nurses who just know these things, and cheers for sunglasses! (I, too, did the baby oil and iodine mixture growing up on an island, and I worry.......worry......worry......with each little bump that raises up).

Glenda Funk said...

I hope your cataract surgery was successful. Mine was at an eye center in SLC and had some complications I’m still not over and have had to adjust to. I need a warm blanket for that! And for my cold feet.

Beth Scanlon said...

I do remember the electric blanket from years ago. I've myself enjoyed the fun of cataract surgery. It's amazing the difference it makes.

Denise Krebs said...

Oh, a heated blanket from the hospital is a wonderful needed warmth. I remember a couple of those throughout my life too. Thanks for the stories. I have had both cataracts fixed too. It is amazing how different things are these days. I have an acquaintance who had knee replacement surgery ten years ago, and now just had it done to his other knew. The differences are significant!