
Friday, July 6, 2018

To keep or to give away...

That is the question as I go through box after box. I look at each book, cup, picture...I envision this project would be so much easier for Marie Kondo, but I ask myself, "Will this bring me joy," as I decide which pile. At times, the sentimental part of me emerges and the "things" I touch bring back memories.
I've certainly kept some things that will never bring me joy and I have given away things I already regret! Yet, as we cleaned out a box of old treasures the other day, I was reminded that some "things" bridge generations by providing near instantaneous joy.
"What's this?" the little one asked.
"It's an old harmonica," I responded cleaning the dirty old harmonica on my shirt and realizing it needed a bit more cleaning before I would be willing to show how it worked!
"What does it do?" she asked.
So, I showed her how to breath out and make music.
"It's a music maker,"she said excitedly as she made it make music.
Th old harmonica had been around the block a more than a few times; however, it still is decidedly in the keep pile as it still has the power to bring joy, especially inside a "secret" fort.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

#sol2018: Fourth of July

I spent the morning, under an old shady tree, watching a Fourth of July parade. There was clapping, waving, juggling, and bike riding. There were fire trucks and police cars with horns honking and sirens blaring!

For local officials, it was a chance to see and be seen.
For children, it was a chance to be up close and personal with marchers and big trucks!
I must admit, there was something for everyone.If you look closely at the last photo, there was a reminder of one of the many freedoms we have in America: the freedom to READ!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

`Probably not needed

One project on my to-do-list is to finish unpacking boxes. I really want to get my home in order so I can find things (as noted in paragraph 2)! I made good progress towards that goal during the first week of my summer.......I found missing clothes, books, dishes.......I found a few treasures, like my spring jacket, a brand new sundress, and a lots of children's books, that will be put to good use! However, I've taken lots of items that I do not need and really do not want anymore to Goodwill. Most importantly, I realize MOST items not used for more than 2 years are probably not needed and probably not worth keeping!

Another summer project is to research and collect reading and special education assessments. I made some progress towards that goal unpacking boxes (see first paragraph)! I found a few folders, binders, and books that will be put to good use! However, I've placed lots of papers and books in the recycling bin. Then, I ordered a few new books and started Googling what other Universities were teaching as well as what other states were doing.  Most importantly, I realize MOST items not used for more than 2 years are probably not needed and probably not worth keeping!  The really valuable resources are all available online, anyway!