
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I wonder what my grad students are thinking as they leave my classroom? Do they wish I talked less? Do they understand what I am talking about? Do they know what I do on the way home?
As I drove home on the crowded interstate tonight, I did what I always do after teaching, I reflected on what I did well and what I could do better. As you would expect, my thoughts focused on the 2.5 hours I had spent with my new graduate students. They were quiet and respectful, taking notes on the ideas that I noted to be significant. They are certainly good students who will not challenge me to entertain or engage them; however, I suspect I will have to work hard to earn their trust. I also reflcted on a reading lesson with a group of 6 year olds earlier in the day. Some of them were like my grad students, listening quietly and focused on my every word. However, one little guy was not interested in reading and challenged me to find a way to engage him. He really did not want to tap relentlessly on that table to annoy me. He was begging me to find a text and scaffold his learning so that he too could be a part of that reading club that is fast growing and empowering his friends. He too wants to be part of the group of readers tomorrow. My job is to use a book that will grab his attention and to scaffold the reading so that HE is successful, tomorrow.
So, my new grad students, I will work hard to earn your trust; however, I will go to sleep tonight thinking about that little guy who really wants to learn to read- tomorrow!

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