
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ready for action

Last Saturday, I spent most of the day cleaning/ clearing the residual holiday artifacts from my "office" space.  My purpose was primarily because I really could the clutter was annoying and looking at the left over wrapping paper, cards, and unfinished projects was a reminder of how many things I just never get "done" like I "want" to get done.  The results of my work is that my office is a LOT less cluttered; however, the REAL value of my work was that I went through some piles and baskets and was reminded of MANY wonderful learning memories.  There were a few grad school papers that I kept and a lots of turned down pages to remind me to share these articles with students.  There was the note from a parent last spring and the note from my son a few years ago.  There was my "last" diploma buried under a dried flowers and unsewn fabric....
Yesterday (Friday afternoon) I stayed late at school in an effort to do a bit of the same kind of "decluttering" there.  It too was needed and warranted after 5 months of busy school days.  As the parking lot cleared and the sky darkened, I at first felt a little sorry for myself - feeling a bit sad that I was not on my way home - HOWEVER, as I looked through my student's folders and reflected on the work of the past five months, I was reminded why I needed to be there: the REAL value of my work was that I went through some piles and baskets and was reminded of MANY wonderful learning memories.  There was the work my third graders did in September - my we've come a long way!  There was the work my first graders did just a month ago - they are taking flight as readers and writers these days.  I reflected on how my 2nd graders are reading real chapter books with good comprehension these days. 
While I stayed late and hit lots more traffic than I would have liked.....I left with the smile of satisfaction that comes when you are indeed "ready for action"...the smile that comes when you have reflected and planned for the days ahead.  The kind of smile I felt when I walked into the office this morning....
As I drove home, I thought about our students.  They too need and should have opportunities to stop, clear out and reflect on their desks, cubbies and work.  Perhaps we can all be most productive when we MAKE time to "get ready for the action ahead!"

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