
Saturday, December 3, 2011

when kids don't want to read

I listened to many parents talk about kids who do not want to read during parent-teacher conferences.  I'd like to say that I am surprised; however, I have heard this lament for many years.

On the one hand, I COULD say it is surprising that so many are reluctant to read when our society is filled with more books than ever before in history as well as in homes filled with Mac Books and Notebooks and Ipads and Kindles and Nooks. HOWEVER, there are also more distractions and more exciting stimuli than ever before: Wiis and TVs and Gameboys and more electronic stimulation than ever imagined by our forefathers and mothers.  Plus, there are afterschool activities and playdates and families are busy with the act of living our busy hectic lives.

In school, we can show children the magic of books and the wonder of learning that is possible from print literacy in all its forms.  We can even show children that we love stories and authors and model how they have impacted our teaching and living.  We'll continue to do that in every classroom.
HOWEVER, parents are the first and ongoing teachers of their children.  Their impact is far greater and their model far more powerful.  SO, even during the times when your children are reluctant to read (and their will be times) fill your homes with print (magazines, newspapers, Kindles, Ipads, and Nooks) and make sure your kids CATCH you reading. 

When I scan the NY Times each day, electronically, I sometimes think of my dad, who at on the couch in the evening reading the newspaper.....long ago.....and of my children, who are now doing something similar.....only on their Droids, Macs and Kindles.....

Life and our reading formats may change....but reading is not going away....


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