
Friday, August 17, 2012

Are You Ready for School?

Have you ever watched a dog get ready for a "good" nap?  If so, you probably saw them sniff, lick, and then circle around the intended spot as they prepare for their mission: a "good" nap!  It would appear teachers, parents and even students go through similar gyrations as they prepare for a "good" school year! 

Earlier this week, I began my own "circling" of the wagons in preparation for the new school year.  First, I had a few days at the beach.  I listened to Julia Child's autobiography on the way there and read "beach books" while listening to the waves.  I walked along the beach clearing my mind and remembering what is really important.  I ate gourmet meals, played Scrabble, and talked with people I love.

Then, the wagons circled around to my school space and I began the task of cleaning up bookcases, sorting usable and unusable materials, and putting things away in an organized manner. (This was early in the process before the 4 bags of discards and before I had a "final plan" for my space.)

From the number of people at the beach, it would appear that many families are going through similar gyrations this week.  Connecting with those we love and circling the wagons (either in messy classrooms or in crowded school supply aisles) in preparation for busy days ahead.       

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