
Friday, March 8, 2013

#Slice of Life 2013 Waiting, hoping, and hopping into the shower

I had another post planned in my head and even started, but as the minutes tick away, this one is screaming to be written.  Those of you who are teachers, principals, parents, know this scenario...It's changed over the years...but the anxiety, excitement and anticipation is like Christmas or your birthday morning for kids! 

When I was young, it meant sitting next to the radio and listening to the announcements of closing and delays that occurred at 55 minutes past the hour! They always played some song sponsored by Cream of Wheat when they announced closings..."It's a cream of wheat morning, I repeat, so guard your family with hot cream of wheat!"  It was a time sensitive process for sure!

For most of my teaching career, it meant waiting for THE call from the person ahead of you on the phone chain and then passing on the message to those below you on the chain. 
In recent years, as the avenues for finding out within a split second of the decision have grown, it has meant getting phone messages from the "automatic district caller" but most of us also are up checking the local listings online to see what other districts are doing and watching the district home page for the first signs of a delay or closing.  Yet, now, as 5:30 looms on the horizon, I know in my heart, I must, no matter what others are doing, hop into the ....

NEWS FLASH: YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS....BUT I JUST GOT THE CALL....a 2 hour delay...I have time to read all the TWT blog posts for the past 8 days, exercise for 30 minutes rather than 15, make Irish steel cut oats, make and drink fresh coffee, do the laundry, match the socks. and change the world before I hop into the shower...:) 

SECOND NEWS FLASH: I did not believe it........BUT 2 hours later, I got THE SNOW DAY CALL....Now I will really have time to read ALL the TWT blog posts for the past 8 days, COMMENT ON THEM ALL, exercise for 60 minutes rather than 15, shovel the driveway for 2 hours, make Irish steel cut oats, make and drink fresh coffee, make homemad soup, do the laundry, match the socks. change the sheets and change the world before I hop into the shower...:)   


Ms. Diller said...

A perfect description of what ALL us teachers went through this morning. This feeling hasn't changed since kindergarden! Oh, the simple joys of being a teacher. Have a marvelous morning!

Today I Love said...

Oh my goodness! You made me chuckle! This is exactly why I have such trouble with snow days! At 5:30 when I get the call the day lies before me like a blank canvas and I really do feel like I can save the world! Then when I wake up again at 9 I realize the day is shot & I never end up getting anything done! Terrible woe to have! :)
Enjoy your delay! I'll look for your superhero status on the news!

Alan j Wright said...

Ah, the story that must be told. Those who write understand the need to attend to the story that refuses to be denied its special moment in the spotlight. All the anticipation of the phone call announcing a delayed start to the school day opened up possibilities. That anticipation of precious extra time was captured with a sense of inner delight.

shogem said...

I had the same experience this morning waiting for the "call". Just as I was reading your post my daughter asked me if I would like some steel cut oatmeal for breakfast. Coincidentally that was the next line that I read of your post. Enjoy your extra time.

Anonymous said...

I got "the call" this morning too! YES!

elsie said...

Times have changed on how we get the message, but the joy of the message has never changed. However, a late start call is not the same. I hope you enjoyed a few minutes of that late start.

Tara said...

I waited and waited...but it turned into a full school day, the call never came! But, I hope you had a chance to relax today and get your weekend off to a good start.

Donna Smith said...

I loved those days! But the problem is I really do try to fit it all in, and then I find myself running late with all that extra time.

Angela said...

What a fantastic last line! It's sunny here today, but you made me long for a snow day.

katiemsmith425 said...

No matter how young or old you are, the feeling is still awesome! Hope you had a relaxing, productive morning!

Kristen Johannes said...

I love this post. I talked about my snow day also.

Anonymous said...

No snow day for us. Just a sloggy, slushy drive to school and many eyes staring through windows the whole day through. I woke up this morning convinced it was Saturday.

MBF said...

Here is my first link to Slice of Life.

Ms.Bartley said...

The excitement that comes with having a snow day never ends!