
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pinning or Pining for PD!

My anchor charts for citing evidence from the textClassroom Organization"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." —Theodore Roosevelt #quotes
I could never have imagined, pinning for PD; however, Pinterest really is a powerful and ongoing means of diverse, yet focused professional development!  The inspirational quotes are really just the tip of the iceberg and yet they catch me, at those weak moments, when I forget how important teachers are.  The practical bulletin board, classroom, and activity ideas inspire me, they really do, just like the old Instructor magazine clippings I used to keep in a recipe box!  The difference is that on Pinterest, I will see them again, and again and yet again as my "friends" pin the best of the best and the great ideas spread across the internet!   
How are you motivating students to learn? Read Carol Ann Tomlinson's three spheres of student motivation in her latest column in Educational Leadership.Just holding the universe together ...
I'm "using" (well maybe "keeping" is a better word here)  my old box for recipes these days :)

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