
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

#sol23 Jan17 Water

For the last month, I've felt a lot like the eels in the picture above. 

First, it was just a cold that became positive for Covid, perhaps followed by a virus and a lingering cough that would reappear whenever I got tired or cold!  "I have to stay home to keep others safe," I convinced myself as I watched another RomCom or read another chapter or 6.

Next, it was the holidays when that same cold/Covid/virus/cough kept me isolated from friends and family. "I do not want to share this," I declared as I watched another RomCom or read another chapter or 10..

Then, it was a milestone non-anniversary that was really just another day of remembering when my life changed course rather than a celebration of endurance. "I just want to stay home wrapped in a blanket," I convinced myself as I watched another RomCom or read anther chapter or 16.

Now, at least 60 RomComs, 10 books, and 3 blankets later, I really am feeling better although that lingering cough is still hanging on.  I realize I have become an eel, poking my head up and checking out the world from time to time, but reverting to life where I am not really seen!  

Now, it's time for a new year to begin with OLW (one little word) to guide me out of the muck: water....
I know this may seem strange, but like those eel, I need to be swimming in the sea rather than hiding in the muck!



Joanne Emery said...

Wonderful photo! Have felt that way myself a lot throughout the years. I thought my OLW should be HIBERNATE this year. But I'm so glad you chose WATER - life-giving, always moving, carving, creating - WATER! Quench your thirst and be revived.

Maureen said...

Oh my, I love that photo - I had no idea that eels did this, poke out of the snow...I guess I thought they hibernated beneath the surface. Amazing photo! I am so sorry about your endless series of viruses - I hope you are finally on the mend!

Ramona said...

Like Maureen, I also did not know that eels did this. It's past time for you to be back on the road to good health. I hope your cough skedaddles soon.
I think you and water will have some interesting journeys this year.

Glenda Funk said...

If water is a word that serves and motivates you, it’s the perfect word. I think about water constantly: my need for hydration, the power of water, water shortages, rising sea water, etc. I do hope your year improves and you can kick covid to the curb.

Lainie Levin said...

I love this word, and its figurative power. Yes! Don't just dip those toes in, don't just stay and the shore and watch others check it out. Jump RIGHT. ON. IN. A powerful reminder, indeed.