
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

#sol24 Those Minutes Really Do Fly By

"The days are long but the years are short," experienced parents would offer as I raced from basketball, to field hockey to baseball to orchestra....... I nodded in agreement even if I was not sure I would survive managing kids' activities in a rural area. In true confession, I appreciated the basketball timer that seemed to keep the length of a game in tact and dreaded those (seemingly) endless baseball games. There were days I felt as if I lived in the car. Yet the years did fly by in a matter of what now appears to have been minutes.

I thought about those parents as I stood recently at a in a crowded gym where my little ones just learning the ropes tried to use their "moves" in matches that really were measured in minutes. I also thought about those parents as I sat in a crowded pool watching my little one in heats that really were measured in minutes. 

These days, I am grateful for minutes with my little ones.  These days I am keenly aware that, "The hours are long but the minutes fly by."



arjeha said...

And it seems, at least to me, the older I get the quicker those minutes fly. Enjoy your minutes with your little ones.

Britt Decker said...

So, so true. Thank you for this reminder as I'm corralling a four year old, two year old, and three month old. Whew!

Maureen said...

So very true! I am astounded by how time goes by, how fast my grandchildren are growing.

nancyrsantucci said...

Thanks for including the pictures. Yes, the minutes do fly, and as you age, so do the years. I worked with an arithmetic teacher who said this concept could be explained mathematically. Because I'm more of a reading/writing teacher, I can't explain it, but it seemed to make sense. Continue to enjoy every minute with your little ones. Carpe Diem. Seize the day!

Stacey said...

I like how you changed that quote to "The hours are long but the minutes fly by." Oh, how true it is.

I like recommending Mary Louise Kelly's book, IT. GOES. SO. FAST. That book changed my perspective about schlepping and everything else we do as parents.

Anonymous said...

I’m very grateful that I did spin those “minutes“ many years ago, as our girls were growing up. Many years later, I can now look back and realize just how wonderful those memories are for me today. Enjoy those moments…… you will relish them forever!