
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

#sol24 Still Snow Exciting


Long ago, I put a spoon under my pillow,
Wore pajamas backwards
Woke early, listened anxiously to the radio
In anticipation.

Long ago, I put the phone near my pillow
Woke early to spread the news
Dutifully completed the snow chain
Excited for the day ahead.

Today, I still slept fitfully
Woke early to watch the snow fall
Thought of my students
Gearing up for a remote teaching day.

I can't imagine the challenges
Keeping distracted students engaged 
For me,
It's still snow exciting.


Debbie Lynn said...

Growing up in Missouri, the biggest thrill was waking up to a snow day. On a typical cold winter day, we would not play outside, but give us a snow day and kids played outside all day long almost to the point of frost bite! Love your last line!!!

Stacey said...

Gorgeous poem, Anita. I slept fitfully last night, wondering what our school district would do. At 5 am-ish, they called a two-hour delay. At 7:30, it became a remote learning day. Ugh.
I'm so over these flexible instruction days. I fully understand their purpose, but I cannot get any meaningful work done when my kids have a FID. While it's great that they won't have to make up the day, the parents don't get their work day back!
Just give the kids a snow day so they can enjoy themselves.
(Clearly, I have a lot of opinions about this.)

Morna Gersho said...

Loved your poem. there's something so comforting about a blanket of snow.. . I know it seems hypocritical coming from California but it's true!

Becky Leff said...

i love your poem! I remember the days of the phone chain to spread the news. I had to call one teacher and two parents and it seemed like everyone already knew school would be closed. So then I felt bad about waking people up on a snow day! said...

My original post was just a rant about remote learning snow days!