
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Technology: Can be powerful

The other day, a teacher asked me a question about professional development and (while driving home on a snowly wintry night I was thinking) attending an "inperson" class / wokshop never came up in the conversation! 

This morning (while sniggled in my puffy bathrobe), I read Peter DeWitt's post this week is about the ongoing conversation about the role of technology in our education community.  You really should check out the whole conversation here, but several of his comments really struck really strong chords with me!

"Building Professional Learning Networks (PLN) through Twitter can be very powerful. It provides the ability to connect with people who can stretch your thinking. Yes, we have those people close to us as well but sometimes we are more open to it when it involves people that are not in our immediate lives."
That sure is true for me!  One of the best things I did last summer (other than my days at the beach) was to sign onto Twitter and start "following" some of the people I had "found" through blogging!  It has made me feel "connected" to a world that is bigger than my classroom and reminds me every day that I need to think deeply about what my students need and how I can provide for their needs in ways that will engage their 21st Century learning and thinking styles. 

"Technology is not going away. It has both positive and negative attributes, just like anything else we use. The reality is that we have kindergartners who can surf the web better than some adults and we need to learn from that. Those young students need to understand that technology is not the end all to be all and the adults need to understand it is a viable option that can engage students in different ways."

 So this is why I do this  and this  and will "attending" this and visiting this

It's thinking I need to share at the Teacher Center meeting this week! 


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