
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

#SOL19 Should I Save this For SOL?

As I turned the corner, I saw something moving in the road. It was too small to be a car and I guessed it was a trash can that had gotten loose! The intense wind was knocking branches from trees and requiring drivers, like me, to grip the wheel with both hands even at 15 mph!  

I could have changed blocks but I decided I had time to be a good citizen and secure that can. I continued two blocks....until I got close enough to see what it heart rate quickened and I realized it was a receptacle not for trash but for a baby! The wind was blowing it away and I could only see the back....What if there is a child in it, I wondered as I tried to get as close enough to catch it!

Fortunately, it was just an empty stroller that had a "Wizard of Oz" type experience!

After  I secured that stroller to a nearby yard with a note explaining how it got there, I drove off wondering, "Should I save this small moment for March Madness?"

I guess I'm getting a bit anxious as well as a bit excited for the March SOL Writing Marathon. Hope to see you!


Unknown said...

Oh, the wind. I am glad you were able to catch the stroller. I understand what you mean by the mixed feelings before SOLSC. Happy Writing!

Glenda Funk said...

I can envision the stroller whipping through the wind. I also know the temptation to save a post for later. That strategy often results in lost inspiration for me.

Leigh Anne Eck said...

Thank goodness, the stroller was empty! That wind has been strong! I think this slice shows that your building muscles for March!

Ramona said...

It's the season of wondering . . . how will we ever come up with 31 slices? I love this one and that you not only secured the stroller, but left a note. You're a good citizen! Happy writing.

Jaana said...

Wind, we had a visit from it also this past weekend. You had a story, I just felt cold. I would have to agree with Leigh Anne, you are building muscles for March!