
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

sol23 July 4 Beginnings & Endings


June is always a busy month for those of us in education as it marks the beginning of summer vacation and the ending of the school year.  

I've wondered how "anyone" would plan a wedding or other big event that might wait during June!  Yet, the calendar, inevitably fills with special celebrations as we work towards that longest day each year!

This year, I witnessed a Christening, wedding, graduations, retirement, and a celebration of life. 

I've reminisced and remembered how such moments have marked my own life. 

I've wondered how the trajectory of others might unfold?  

I've thought about the powerful sunsets (thanks in part to Canadian wildfires) and the days that mark endings to chapters of our lives.

I've remembered that we all, walk towards the future, towards new, unknown beginnings every day. 



arjeha said...

I really like your last line. Each day is a new beginning. We can't change what happened yesterday, but we can control how we react to the day ahead.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoyed this last line and the reminder that we are all walking towards something.

patricia emerson said...

That's life—a challenge for its uncertainty, and a source of both joy and pain. Even those "big" events are surrounded by small ones, that when we pay attention, add up to life well-lived (dramatic sunsets, familiars gathered around the dinner table, each new morning). Thanks for this, and the photo.

Margaret Simon said...

"I've remembered that we all, walk towards the future, towards new, unknown beginnings every day." We have to keep walking, walking through today to what comes. It's made easier by the celebrations, big and small.