
Monday, March 4, 2024

#sol24 March 4 After Winter

Day 4 of the Two Writing Teachers SOL Challenge

The sun was bright, temps climbing,
After 22 hours of cold, dreary rain,
Donned a hat, found the sunglasses,
After a day of cold, dreary rain,
Headed outside
After a day with Netflix.

It appeared everyone felt the same,
After the day of darkness,
Walking through the late winter park
After days stuck inside.
They were nestled near the brook
A clear sign of spring & hope,
After a long gray season. 


Tracy Brosch said...

I love when these guys start popping up everywhere! ... a sign of hope :)

Clare Meehan said...

The entire city of New York was outside yesterday! Especially before the dreary week ahead... But the blooms are beginning and I'm loving it!

Ramona said...

Blossoms, especially yellow ones, are the best mood lifters ever. Thanks for sharing!

mbhmaine said...

It can get tough when the weather has day after day of grey. I'm glad you got to soak in some sunshine yesterday and enjoy a few blossoms as well! We had some sun today and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also wrote about getting outside on Sunday, though my day was grey, it was still delightful.