
Friday, July 5, 2024

# Fourth of July: Drones Anyone?

1960  Rain fell most of the day offering only brief forays to the dock. The grownups kept up the presence of a good time and there were lots of sparklers!  Eventually, we pulled away leaving Yankee Lake's annual fireworks display in the rear view mirror.

1976  We walked over the bridge to celebrate the Bicentennial.  Scoring a location early, we watched the fireworks from the great steps, leaving a trail of smoke and a crowd of people at the end of the day.

1986 The promise of swimming, hiking, watermelon and birthday cake would surely allow for something for everyone.  We sang Happy Birthday to Grandma, a real firecracker before heading home, certain to see lots of fireworks on our trip!

1996 It had been a long weekend in the ICU where we watched our love one fight for life.  Yet, we shared Hershey's fireworks through the hallway window with others, in the same boat. 

2024 I listened to fireworks all day long; yet, I wandered out to watch a magnificent display by my neighbors before going in to watch the Macy's display. 

The reports of injuries and deaths as well as the haze, the next morning, were clear reminders that this long standing tradition needs to give away to 21st Century technology that can provide a magnificent show, safely and without impacting lives and the environment!

I't hard to think of Fourth of July without a light show; to that end, I am planning on gifting my loved ones drones so that they might be part of the next revolution!

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