
Monday, July 15, 2024

#sol24 July 16th Waves of Change


"It's perfect," she said as the finished the "shell garden" at the base of the house. 

"I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as an imperfect sand castle," I smiled silently to myself.  

On the way home, I thought about that castle, created with love. With or without a protective moat, each castle is an opportunity to create a special place and a special moment in time.  Yet, it will not stay as the waves of time will leave their mark; tomorrow, a new sand castle will likely arise in about the same place as a new family leaves their mark in the sand.

As I pulled into my driveway, another wave of change was clearly evident.

I smiled as I waved to my new neighbors who had just finished unloading a U-Haul trailer into their new-to-them house. 

I suspect she, too, was thinking, "It's going to be perfect." as they stared adoringly at their new-to-them house that would soon see waves of change in order to be recreated in the days to come.



arjeha said...

A house, or a castle, is just a building. Love is what makes it special, a home. That sand castle was built with love so of course it is perfect. Your new neighbors new to them house will become a home as they fill it with love.

Joanne said...

Love the connection to sand castles and houses. We have new neighbors on both sides of us this year. I loved our old neighbors but the new ones are young families with new ideas and a fresh look at the neighborhood. I love the changing waves of time and the return of young voices up and down the street. Enjoy those new neighbors!

Denise Krebs said...

Our lives are full of these waves of changes, aren't they? I like how this sand castle made you think of the moments in time that come and go so quickly. The older I get the more true that is. I hope your neighbors love their new place!

Debbie Lynn said...

Waves of change. Like the cleansing of waves on the beach, a new palette is created. I love how you related this to your new neighbors and hope they are wonderful neighbors! :)