
Monday, July 8, 2024

#sol24 July 9 That Pool of Sweat


I woke up sprawled on the bed in a pool of sweat. I pushed the damp hair off my face and realized it was not yet dawn; yet, the air was dreadfully hot and heavy.

"I knew I should have had the air conditioner serviced," I thought as I tried to go back to sleep.  "There is no way they are going to come for an emergency visit during this heat wave," I thought as I moaned softly,  "I had better open a window," I thought as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. "I cannot believe I was so foolish," I admonished my sweaty self. 

The air outside was even hotter and heavier and so I made my way to the basement in search of the old, 6 inch emergency fan.  It did provide a bit of relief, but I lay on the sweaty sheets alternating between being annoyed at myself for not having my mini-split system serviced and concerned about all the people who  are suffering and not sleeping during this heat wave. I'd do a major mea culpa and call the repair department first thing in the morning! 

The fan moved the air around and I was able to go back to sleep. As I made the bed a few hours later, I noticed the remote was under my book.  When I went to sleep, I must have put the book down and accidentally turned off the air!  I pressed on and the familiar hum of cool air returned. 

I submitted a non-emergency request for service, a few hours later,anyway!  

To be honest: I am blessed to have installed this new system when I did some renovations a few years ago and even on the hottest of days, my space is tolerable! There are many people who do not have access to air conditioning on these very hot, humid days. 


Jess said...

The heat is something else! I’m glad your system wasn’t totally not working! Here’s to cooler days ahead!

Sally said...

What an unexpected surprise ending. Your slice reminds me of how hard it is to focus when the temp is too hot or too cold. One winter, our heat went out and I couldn't even think clearly until the repair man arrived and fixed it. Whew...stay cool.

Dr. Kimberly Haynes Johnson said...

Anita, we came home from camping early because even in a small camper with a/c, it was far too hot and miserable to be out there in this heat. Have you seen the cover of The New Yorker this week? A guy is sitting in a chair reading a book with his feet propped on a shelf of his open refrigerator. I saw that and understood, truly felt the YES engulf me. I'm so sorry you are without air, but also very glad that you look on the bright side and see that it is a blessing that not everyone has. My husband tells me every time I touch the thermostat that it's money, and I always reply, "money well- spent." I'll definitely pay for some fresh water and cool air with no complaints. Cheers for the chill!

arjeha said...

Our ac died in the middle of a heat wave last year. Even with fans going, it was a long 4 weeks until we were able to get a new unit installed.

Glenda Funk said...

I’m so glad your AC system is working and not in need of repair. I remember life w/out AC when I was a kid. No fun! I worry our AC will stop working. The system is 26 years old. We are definitely privileged. As you say, many are not.

Ramona said...

Best ending ever to this slice! I also love that you went ahead with requesting a service call. I grew up without air conditioning, but am a total wimp now. Not sure how we survived without it, but we did.
I'm glad to know that major cities are working on creating cooling centers. These heat waves can be deadly.
I like the inner dialogue you used in this slice.