
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#sol24 July 30th SMART Talk


I wasn't sure I was going to post today, 
But a conversation with friends got me thinking 
About the power of words.

Overheard at the gym...
"I don't know how she keeps up, she's BIG!"
"That teacher is just awful."

Overheard on the news....
"She's a bum."
"He's weird." 

Overheard in class: 
"He's impossible!"
"She's off base."

In my opinion, all this name calling from adults is likely to result in more and more name calling among our children which would clearly undermine the movement to reduce, rather than increase bullying!

I, for one, am going to try very hard to move about this fray and try to focus on observable characteristics!   

Of course, when I think of observable traits I think of Individual Education Plan goals which really might offer us a good way to talk about issues!

Good IEP goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).

Perhaps we could start talking in SMART ways as well?


Dr. Kimberly Haynes Johnson said...

What a powerful reminder - and all that namecalling in a few observations. You’re absolutely right - the kids learn what they live, and if we don’t stop it they will follow suit. I’m so glad you posted!

patricia emerson said...

I have truly dedicated to this is my interactions with people. Those toxic phrases we dispense without consciousness. It's not about what's politically correct for me; it's about what's kind. And you are absolutely right, children live what they see around them. Lately we adults haven't been doing the best job of modeling decency!

Julie K said...

I am in the midst of rereading a favorite professional book, The Power of Our Words. Your post served as a reminder about modeling kindness.

Denise Krebs said...

Clever post, Anita. Yes, please. I wish we would all talk SMARTer. I'm glad you decided to write on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Love this, Anita!