
Monday, July 22, 2024

#sol24 July23 To Be Two

 She has a strong voice and lots to say,
She is not afraid to "flail" to get her way,
She talks too much, when quiet is expected,
She runs too fast, when slow is anticipated,
She swings with too much gusto,
She eats too many Goldfish,
She devours too much cheese.

She'll read the same book, too many times!
She'll play hide and seek, too many times!
She has two favorite blankets, today!
She can find her Meme in a crowd, too!
She is not afraid to speak her mind!
My love for her is too great!
The littlest of my beloved grand-kiddos is two!


patricia emerson said...

We both chose to focus on family today! What a delightful way to play with this second birthday! You made me smile. Have such fun.

Dr. Kimberly Haynes Johnson said...

Oh, what a precious way to mark the day and celebrate two! I hope you will frame this verse and this tooooo-cute picture! I love it!

Fran Haley said...

I adore this! Happiest birthday to your little granddaughter! Love all the two/too wordplay - I relate to every bit of it completely, as I have a two year old (soon to be three) granddaughter as well. Life is good. :)