
Thursday, March 5, 2020

#SOL20 March 5 Sneaker begins with a p

She had been cutting the advertisement into pieces when she stopped, amazed at her own emerging letter awareness.

"I know shirt starts with an a," she said confidently.

"Shirt actually starts with an sh," I responded.

"Oh," she said looking dejected as she continued her cutting.

"I know sneaker starts with a p," she said smiling. 

"Sneaker actually starts with an s," I responded trying to figure out where this letter-sound focus was  was coming from. 

"Well then I am going to cut out that p from this sneaker," she mumbled as she cut the Puma off the sneaker. 

I smiled as I now understood from where her emerging letter awareness was coming! 

"Sometimes people put their names on the shirts and sneakers," I added wondering how much explanation was wanted.

"That's silly," she said laughing, "they already know it's their shirt!"

She will make the sound-symbol connection as she is aware there is a connection between letters and initial sounds even if she is not yet aware of advertising power coming from putting brand names on clothing items.

I'm participating in the SOL March Writing Challenge.


Stacey Shubitz said...

Advertising has such an impact on kids. I hadn’t even thought of this one!

I fast-forward commercials when my kids watch shows so they aren’t exposed to advertising. It is so detrimental to them.

Alex said...

This is such a funny story! I love it when students make interesting mistakes when their letter awareness begins developing. They are such smart mistakes to make!

Leigh Anne Eck said...

This captures the innocent thinking of children. And it's one of those moments you just don't want to forget!

Morgan said...

What a great example of "using and confusing" that is a natural part of development. My favorite part of this slice is how you capture her frustration in wanting to cut the inaccurate label from the sneakers. So fun!