
Friday, March 9, 2018

#sol18 March 9 Women's Day

With storms ravaging, trees falling, power lines dangling, and school openings pending (along with limited talk/advertising), I almost missed International Women's Day (yesterday)!

Last year, I found out about this event via radio on my commute to work.  I learned we (women) should not shop on this day to show the power women have on the economy! I had already purchased a coffee; thus I was already in violation.

This year, there was a last minute school cancellation so I was still at home when I was reminded of the "holiday" watching morning news anchors wearing purple!  I was wearing my at-home-wear of an old pink sweater. Sigh, I was in violation with this holiday again!

#PressforProgressNow, I respect women's rights and definitely want to empower young women with images of strong, confident women who are changing the world; however, wearing purple and not shopping is not the way to the road to "equality," in my humble opinion!

So, I Googled  and found this day has a logo!  Then I found images from around the world of women seeking not only equity, but also an end to gender based harassment. Instead of feeling like a failure, I was proud of women seeking to end sexually based harassment and work place inequity.

This is an important cause, but one that somehow is on the fringe of my life as a mother, teacher and professor.  I hope next year I will not only be prepared, but also inspire women (and maybe men) with my actions (not my coffee purchase, not my purple dress). Next, year, I hope to be working towards an International Women's Day that inspires women rather than making them feel like failures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great reminder! And here's to the day that we don't have to have our own day for equality!